base16 colo(u)rs

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base00 #181818 Default background

base01 #282828 Lighter background (used for status bars)

base02 #383838 selection background

base03 #585858 comments, invisibles, line highlighting

base04 #b8b8b8 dark foregrond (status bars)

base05 #d8d8d8 default foreground, caret, delimiters, operators

base06 #e8e8e8 light foreground (not often used)

base07 #f8f8f8 light foreground (not often used)

base08 #ab4642 variables, xml tags, markup link text, markup lists, diff deleted

base09 #dc9656 integers, boolean, constants, xml attributes, markup link url

base0A #f7ca88 classes, markup bold, search text background

base0B #a1b56c strings, inherited class, markup code, diff inserted

base0C #86c1b9 support, regular expressions, excape characters, markup quotes

base0D #7cafc2 functions, methods, attribute IDs, headings

base0E #ba8baf keywords, storage selector, markup italic, diff changed

base0F #a16946 deprecated, opening/closing embedded language tags, e.g. <?php ?>

built with ❤ and adequate amounts of care by alv